Load Management
Charging Station Configuration...


To configure easee charging stations for the CLEMAP Load Management, you need the Site Key and the Circuit Id of the easee branch.

Only the master charging station needs to be added as a "charging station" and represents the entire easee circuit.

Document image

1) For the Site Key, you can find it in your easee admin portal, the Site Key appears next to your address, marked in red in the following image:

Document image

2) For the Circuit Id, please go to your products and then click on the name of the circuit branch (marked in the following picture), should lead you to the page of that circuit.

Document image

In the circuits page, please look at the number in the URL (marked in red in the following picture), that is the Circuit Id.

Document image

3) Now insert your Site Key and Circuit id in the CLEMAP interface. Please don't forget to add the Easee Credentials so that the CLEMAP Load Management device can control the easee charging station via the easee cloud.

The name assigned to individual charging stations (entered in the Easee portal) is automatically synchronized with the CLEMAP Floem portal every 20 minutes in case of changes or after a restart of the CLEMAP Load Management system.

Happy charging!