Load Management
Charging Station Configuration...

Siemens Sicharge

1) Make sure that the EVSEs is in the same local are network as the CLEMAP device.

2) Scan the IP Address of the EVSE.

3) Access the local interface of the charging station by entering the IP address.

4) Enable "Open ports through VLan on WAN port to the PLC", and enter IP address 10.20.37.x to act as the IP address of the Modbus server for the ELMS communication

5) Ensure that the IP address of the CLEMAP controller is in the same range as the siemens (10.20.37.y in this example).

6) Press the CONFIGURE VLAN button to save the configuration on the router permanently.

Document image

7) Restart the loading station.

8) Enter the IP Address and the port (400 in this case) into the CLEMAP web UI.

Happy charging!