Load Management
Charging Station Configuration...

General OCPP

1) You need to have access to the Stations Configuration. Some stations work via Local Web Interface (IP address of the station on the browser) and others you have to call support so they configure it for you.

2) On the configuration panel you have to add the clemap's device OCPP URL:

For a Normal connection, enter the clemap OCPP server url: ws://[sensor_ip_address]:7050/

For a Proxy connection, you need to access a different port, so the url is: ws://[sensor_ip_address]:8050/

For the sensor_ip_address you have to do a scan in the local network and find it

3.1) For a proxy connection, you have to add the identifier and the additional backend URL at the chargers configuration in FLOEM.

For a Proxy Connection with eCarUp, please first make a connection directly with the eCarUp backend and restart. After the charger appeared in the eCarUp backend, change the ocpp_url in the station to ours (ws://[sensor_ip_address]:8050/) and restart the charger. Else your charger might not appear in their backend.

There is an issue with the BootNotification we are working to solve. Thank you!

3.2) For a normal connection, you just add the identifier:

Document image

The identifier is important, if it does not match to the identifier provided in the chargers configuration, the connection will be rejected.

4) Here one example of a client of us, who uses a proxy with eCarUp:

Document image

Happy Charging!