Alfen NG9xx
1) Install ACE Installer on your Computer
2) Enter with your User and Password.
3) Connect your Alfen via Lan and find it in your APP. Enter your station user and password.
4) Once you access the Station, go to the Load balancing tab.
5) Make sure Static Load Balancing is on.
6) Make sure Active Load Balancing on, Allow single-/multiple charging is selected and Data Source is on Energy Management System.
7) Make sure Mode is on Socket.
8) Save changes.
9) Now set up the Alfen in your CLEMAP-Floem page.
10) Each Alfen plug is managed independetly, so you have to add each plug as it were a Loading Station.
11) Make sure your Alfen is on the last update. Version 5.8.1-4123 or higher.
To make updates with ACE installer follow the following steps:
12) Now your station should appear connected to your sensor. Happy charging!