Load Management
Charging Station Configuration...

smart-me Pico

1) Installation:

Before you can use your smart-me device, you need to connect it to your Wi-Fi network.

  1. Connect your smartphone or tablet to the WLAN.
  2. Download and install the free smart-me app or go to https://smart-me.com/Login.aspx. (You can also login in the browser on a computer).
  3. Start the app and create a free account or create an account in the online portal.
  4. Click on "Add device" (+) and follow the instructions.
    1. Select WLAN
    2. Enter password (WLAN)
    3. Hold the RFID card supplied against the reader for 10 seconds
    4. Connect phone to the local WLAN of the Pico (networks: smartme_serial number) and hold.
    5. Return to the app
    6. Enter the display name of the Pico and complete the installation.

2) Configuration:

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IMPORTANT: Make sure all of your chargers are in a different loadmanagement group in the smart-me API.

One loadmanagement group pro charger. Since the load management is made to each individual loadmanagement group.

  • Get the charger's serial number from the page (underlined red in image. E.g. 7000200).
  • Please do ignore all the zeros in front of the serial number if there are any: For example if the number is 007000200 or 07000200, use 7000200.
  • Enter serial number in your FLOEM configuration for your Pico station.
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3) In your local Webinterface ([IP_ADDRESS]:4000/settings/credentials), in the "credentials" tab encrypt your smart-me username and password.

Please make sure you pick the encryption for Pico and not other loading station brand.

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4) Once encrypted, enter the serial number into the CLEMAP platform.

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Happy charging!