Load Management
Charging Station Configuration...

Mennekes AMEDIO

1) Enter webUI using the charging station’s IP Address

2) You can change language clicking the flag in the top right corner.

Document image

3) At the LAN tab you can set a fixed IP Address for the station.

Document image

4) Leave DHCP switched on at the charging station and save a fixed IP address in the router. You can also choose a static one to make sure it does not change in the future.

Configuration of Master Connector (Left)

5) Activate the Modbus TCP Server and set the Register Address Set on MENNEKES.

Document image

6) The setting "Dynamic Load Management - DLM Master/Slave" must be set to "DLM Master (Standalone)".

Document image

7) Save and restart the master charging station

Configuration of Slave Connector (Right)

8) The second connector (Slave Connector), needs to be configured as master as well. To do so, connect to the webinterface of the second connector via Legacy web interface on Port 82 --> https:// IP_ADDR_OF_CHARGING_STATION:82/legacy/operator/operator

You are on the correct webinterface if you see "Slave controller" ins the title.

Document image

9) Turn Modbus TCP server ON and leave Modbus TCP port on 502 (the Charging Station will internally make the Salve available on Port 503).

Document image

10) The setting "Dynamic Load Management - DLM Master/Slave" must be set to "DLM Master (Standalone)".

Document image

11) Save and Restart the Slave Charging Station.

Configuration in Floem

12) The two charging connectors of the AMEDIO needs to be entered separately in CLEMAP Floem. The only difference is that the connector left is available on port 502, while connector right is on port 503. Both connectors have the same IP address.

Configuration example of left connector in CLEMAP Floem Portal
Configuration example of left connector in CLEMAP Floem Portal

Configuration example of right connector in CLEMAP Floem Portal
Configuration example of right connector in CLEMAP Floem Portal

Happy charging!